Walking in the street, you certainly have noticed his bag is unique? Or easy to hit the bag? If you encounter this dilemma how to do? Then you need a non-replicable original bag. Where do these original bags come from? Xiaobian today to bring you to understand, under the original Chinese art handbag brand - Banpo tribe . From Guangzhou Rui Butterfly Leather Co., Ltd. ampo (Banpo Tribal) handbags brand, is a research and development, production, sales and integration, with its own production base and the ability of independent innovation of modern creative brand. Through the simplest language of painting, the perfect combination of the structure of the bag and the texture of the leather reveals the different product temperaments in detail. Whether it is shoulder diagonal cross or handbag, the birth of each art handbag to go through dozens of manual processes. Designers use embroidery, cloisonne, lacquer painting, carving, paper cutting, blue and white porcelain and other art forms, to every beauty and the dress with a glow of the newborn and a variety of wear possibilities. Can not copy the original design of the bag, let us witness it.